(July 25th, 2010)
If you're still here, if you're still with us, if you're ready and able, and you know what you want and what you want is more, then well, friend, you're in for a treat. Don't worry baby (dontworrrryyyyybaaaaby)
It's hot out, and it's far enough into summer we can feel bruised, beaten, but still feeling that freeing feeling of summer, so you can deal with whatever is going on. I want this to make you feel like running away, if only for the duration of a cd-r. I want you to explore your favorite parts of where you live with someone special, and if there's no special, then take the most specialist person you know, yourself.
Find that summer, and grab it real hard, and pull it down into the depths and watch the last of it bubble up. Yes, I'm talking all the way in the only way I know how to say going all the way, ballsdeep.
Enjoy the sounds of Beach House, Atlas Sound, Brightblack Morning Light, Alasdair Roberts, Crayon Fields, Washed Out, Sandro Perri, Pram, Josephine Foster, Picastro, Greg Weeks, Twin Sister, Tame Impala, Jose Gonzales, Ragnarok, and not to mention, The Beach Boys (and the song that IS the song of summer).
Good one BGK!
the truth