Friday, November 23, 2012

Drifters II

(November 22nd, 2012)


There's only two songs with vocals (maybe three, but I'm pretty sure the third is just wordless vocals), there isn't a lot of upbeat, builds that find epic climaxes, nor are there any pop tunes to carry the mix along its three hour journey.  This mix is the rare opportunity I give myself to make an ambient and quiet mix that eases more than it pleases.  It is my C H I L L  O U T session and it is complete with,
Unlearn, Ass, Silver Pines, Aphex Twin, Aus, Lisa Gerard and Pieter Bourke, Funki Porcini, Lisa O Piu, Cock & Swan, Vieo Abiungo, Beggin Your Pardon Miss Joan, Pieter Nooten & Michael Brook, Cliff Martinez, Brian Eno & Harold Budd, Gustavo Santaolalla, A Winged Victory For the Sullen, Orcas, Patrick Watson, Morelenbaum & Sakamoto, Hans Zimmer, Clark, and Stars of the Lid.

RELAX.  Chill out.  And hopefully enjoy the next three hours.

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